Want to know more about TeacherConnectlounge?

  • Want to know more about TeacherConnectlounge?

    Posted by Susie on November 13, 2023 at 8:51 am

    Welcome to TeacherConnectlounge, our online community! If you’ve ever wondered where or how to discuss our course content or explore ways to apply S.P.E.C.I.A.L. or Project-Based Learning, you’re in the right place.

    If you are a Teacher, you will most probably find, when you apply S.P.E.C.I.A.L. or use Project-Based-Learning for teaching and learning, that your role becomes more fulfilling, and Learners can start to thrive on learning. Starting out with these ideas you will probably have questions and it is useful to be able to ask someone who has already been down this road.

    TeacherConnectlounge is your go-to space for these conversations. It’s designed to complement your online learning experience by providing a place where you can hang out and chat with fellow Teachers. In this space you can interact with other Teachers who are already doing this and it can make your transition easier.

    We at TeacherConnect are also here to answer questions, and we’re thrilled to embark on this journey with you. Each month, we explore a specific theme that sheds light on different aspects of your teaching life. Every week, you have the opportunity to connect in various ways, and you can choose a way that suit you best:

    • Check in on a Monday to find out what the topic of the week is, and see when and how you would like to engage.

    • Find out on a Tuesday what the question is that could help you explore what you already know.

    • Drop in on a Wednesday for an online chat with whoever else is online at the time to explore the topic together.

    • Dive deeper on Thursdays as we strive to broaden our understanding of the topic.

    • Fridays are when we share any tools that come out of the week’s working groups, and we share a joke or something more light-hearted to end the week with a smile.

    • Once a month we have a Town Hall – you can click here to find the invitation to the next event, as well as recordings of past events here.

    If you want to change your notification settings, click on your PROFILE and then on NOTIFICATIONS.

    Be sure to read our community guidelines here as well as this handy How-To guide.

    We are so glad you have joined us and look forward to being with you on your learning journey. Feel free to ask questions, and you can expect a response within a few hours during weekdays.

    Susie replied 10 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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